South-Eastern POland in Summer 1915
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Now I will write in english to understand each other better tho slovak language is similar to polish one in many words... Wink
I did read some tiny book written in 1933 from a man who did fight in WW1 in austro-hungarian infantry as manchinegun operator (gulometcik), and he ddescribes how they marchen to ffront, names of the towns they passed or were in etc.
So my question is: as I'm doing kind of a map with pictures of those places they resides in, I am not able locate some polish towns/villages (maybe they do not exist any longer today, I don't know), so I would like to ask you for a help (if you can): I need to locate/find pictures of these polish (ukraine?) towns/villages - this is list of named places he writes in his book as they followed:
1. Lancut (railstation: here they got after 5 days from Hungary, thru Presburg [Bratislava, SK] -> Ostrava [CZ] -> Tarnow -> LANCUT), from this point thay started to march by foot
2. {some unknown village: stayed for 9 days - military excercises etc.}
3. JOZEFOW (THIS VILLAGE I AM NOT ABLE TO LOCATE! he writes that it should be like 1 day march from Nisko, cca. 20-25km maybe?)
4. Nisko (only pass thru: they saw fallen church bell in broken bricks - destroyd church or something?)
5. Rozwadow (I did localize it as STALOWA WOLA in todays Poland - am I right?) - this was something like austro-hungarian army HQ of the Eastern Front of that time: from this line - as they cross river Saan - it started to be a stirght war zone
6. Krasnik (this is the place where he fight for the first time against russians, and yet it was one of the hardest fights in this region!)
7. MARKUSOVO (remember: he was slovak, so he writes it that way but I guess it could be MARKUSOW, right?) {it was 18.7.1915: he says tahat the village was empty, but he found some young 17yr girl named DUNA in one of the houses down in "pivnica" were she was hidden with his mother - they fell in love ..but after some days as front moves he needed to go...MY QUESTION: as Markusow wasn't too big village and there probably were not many girls with name DUNA of age 16-18yr, could it be found somewhere who she was? Matrika? Or anywhere else?}
8. MNICHOV (probably MNICHOW in polish lang.) - AGAIN: I AM UNABLE TO LACATE THIS VILLAGE ...this is the place where they were formed into new batalions, divisions etc.
9. Kurow (they were housed in some bread-house ["pekaren"])
10. march to fortress Iwangrod...
OK, tha's it for now (there are other places but I need to know if it's of any help here): PLEASE, IF ANYONE CAN HELP IDENTIFY THOSE PLACES I DO NOT KNOW, do it if you can!
Hi, sorry for my english is not the best. I do not know if I can help but I have a few suggestions.
3. JOZEFOW - There is a village about 40 km from
4. Church in Nisko. After firing the Russian army, 18 October 1914. Perhaps it is this church.

5. Rozwadow currently Stalowa Wola district.
6.It seems to me that in terms of the second battle of Krasnik.
7. This may be a Markuszów. But nei sure.
9. Kurów
Józefów (near Zaklików) is located between Rozwadów and Kra¶nik.
Maybe they were in Józefów after passing through Nisko(not before)?
Józefów (near Zaklików) is located between Rozwadów and Kra¶nik.
Maybe they were in Józefów after passing through Nisko(not before)?
No no, he definitely writes that they stay in village called Jozefow for some time (where they were beaten by their own austro-hungarian oficiers for not villing march nonstop for several days from Lancut thru forest and sandy ground, even old men were beaten by a stick, like 20-50 blows with a stick, those oficiers were totaly unhuman and only after german officiers saw it they have to stop with it...even villagers, some women from Jozefow cry and please those officiers stop with the bating but they throw them away with a gun, so it really must have been shocking look), and only then after 1 day of march they got to Nisko where they saw bell in ruined church and all Nisko - as he describes it - was destroyed...this all happened on 5. 6. Jozefow needs to be somewhere BETWEEN Lancut and Nisko, NOT AFTER Nisko...

EDIT: now I found using your poland map server that the only Jozefow in todays Poland that could be "our" Jozefow is probably this one here
Hi, sorry for my english is not the best. I do not know if I can help but I have a few suggestions.
3. JOZEFOW - There is a village about 40 km from
4. Church in Nisko. After firing the Russian army, 18 October 1914. Perhaps it is this church.
5. Rozwadow currently Stalowa Wola district.
6.It seems to me that in terms of the second battle of Krasnik.
7. This may be a Markuszów. But nei sure.
9. Kurów
Again: I am not quite sure - aren't they too close to each other with Markusow? I need to look again into the book how it was...

EDIT: yes, it is this one (see below)
Guys I really do appriciate your great help, see: without you I would probably never got to this right places, BUT could you provide some photos of those areas/towns/villages from those times, summer-autumn 1915, please?
Thanks a lot in advnace

EDIT: so, now I got to some old austro-hungarian maps AND voila, now I can clearly say that Markusow and Kurow ARE THE ONES YOU SUGGESTED: thanx a lot, my friends for this!

A small description of the fighting in the area, please Krasnik the following links. Unfortunately everything is in Polish. The article links to photographs from that period.
As a result of clashes on both sides there was a ten-day struggle known as the second battle of Krasnik (1-10 July 1915). In all battles, the Russians put up stubborn resistance, often there have to fight with bayonets. In these fights sometimes whole regiments of the Russian and Austrian died.
A few old stand you can find for forums Rozwadow but the exact date is difficult to determine their creation.
A small description of the fighting in the area, please Krasnik the following links. Unfortunately everything is in Polish. The article links to photographs from that period.
As a result of clashes on both sides there was a ten-day struggle known as the second battle of Krasnik (1-10 July 1915). In all battles, the Russians put up stubborn resistance, often there have to fight with bayonets. In these fights sometimes whole regiments of the Russian and Austrian died.
A few old stand you can find for forums Rozwadow but the exact date is difficult to determine their creation.
WOOOOW!!! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING FIND!!! I knew that only polish folks can help me with this and I was right as I can see...thanx, big thanx guys!
BTW: yes it is true about the bestiality and mortality of that battle, I cannot reproduce whole book here but he describes this fight around Krasnik at aproximately +/- 15 or 20 pages alone to maximum detail from his point of maschinegunner ("gulometcik" in slovak) he watch most of the time his cammarades and friends fighting in the field, terrible seens; that even they killed 100 russians other 200 comes over them, he says that their dead bodies were like 1m tall before his machinegun one on one, he could hardly see thru them and that they become really affraid cos russians still keep going and going and going over those dead ones, they step upon them...and over this all permanent cannon, mortars and mines and granates fire, they were completly covered with blood, there were something like red mist over the field cos over the days the fight last dead bodies mixed with earth and those explosions made such mist and terrible smell, saying that ground seems like waves in ocean constantly weaving from explosions, he also says how they fight against each other as they reach enemies trenches - one sad stroy tells that on one day as the possesed one russian trench there was some russian still alive crying bagging for his life, saying he has children, woman, but some young austro-hungarian officier comes and shot him right to his head with no mercy and they simply turn and quikly going over cos there wa snothing they could do for him cos other way they would be shoted instead of him, terrible just pure terrible etc.
In Poland there are a lot of graves of soldiers of different countries who will never come home. Each of these men had a family, dreams and purpose in life that has been lost.
A few photos from the period 1WW Polish from different locations can be found at the link below.,1914-1918_-_I_wojna_swiatowa.html Jozefow needs to be somewhere BETWEEN Lancut and Nisko, NOT AFTER Nisko...

EDIT: now I found using your poland map server that the only Jozefow in todays Poland that could be "our" Jozefow is probably this one here
This Jozefow is too far for one-day walk in my opinion. But maybe...
Do You know this website?
You can find on it many military maps of Austria - Hungary from 1910 (including polish localities from your list).
For example: (with Lancut) (with Nisko, Rozwadow, Krasnik etc.)
I think it will be helpful to You.
thank you very very much guys, gonna check it later (lot of work here now, hehe)...appriciated