Looking for a job
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agniusza serwis - literatura w sieci, proza, feminizm, gender, queer ...
I'm looking for a job for my girlfriend in Stegna. She is living in Stegna, but the problem is that it's really hard to get any job in Stegna or around Stegna.
She only end her secondary school in Nowy Dwor Gdanski but didn't finished here college/university.
She has previous work experience in shops and bars in Stegna,Nowy Dwor Gdanski and Gdansk.
If somebody know a company, shop where they are looking for people can you please contact me via this site. I can give her mobile phone number in a private message. Dziêkujê!
Je¶li nie rozumiesz angielskiego, mo¿esz odpowiedzieæ po polsku.
Je¶li nie rozumiesz angielskiego, mo¿esz odpowiedzieæ po polsku.
How could one answer to your message in Polish if he/she couldn't understand the English part of it?
The bad news is the unemployment rate in region of Nowy Dwor Gdanski is one of the highest in the state so it's going to be really hard to find any job around. If she has the same language skills as you, than maybe she would consider giving some tutoring to the students of local schools. It's still well paid occupation with flexible working hours - you're your own boss :)
BTW - it's intriguing me why you are mixing English with Polish - it looks like you're as good Polish speaker as English. Writing in Polish would significantly increase the chance of getting any answer.
Sorry for my English, I'm just a rookie in that matter :)
Thanks for you reply Russel! Btw, your English is good so don't worry about that.
I'm practicing to speak, write in Polish so that's why it was in English.
My girlfriend whos looking for a job is Polish, she lies in Stegna and know the Polish language very good. We also registrered at BIP in Nowy Dwor Gdanski but not alot results. We keep looking.
Actually what I ment was that your girlfriend could give some tutoring in English rather than Polish :)
I guess you mixed up BIP with PUP (Job Centre/Office). I wouldn't repose much hope in PUP.
Good luck! :)
sorry not understand

niech na wyspie poszuka ewentualnie job-center on-line